Just like our emergency fire drills at school, we also conduct emergency exit drills on our school buses. Our bus drivers, like Sonja Shive pictured at Highlands Elementary, are conducting these important drills so that our students properly and safely board and exit school buses, with specific emphasis on when and how to approach, board, disembark, and move away from the bus after disembarking. We perform school bus safety drills each year to remind students of how to safely leave a bus in the event of an actual emergency.
Highland Elementary School staff and parents recently held their first Renton Parent University meeting this school year. The school’s RPU program, managed by the Multilingual Team, Teresa Vazquez, Vince Davis, and Mickey Dunn, helps families better connect with school staff and the education process.
More than 25 families from eight different countries begin their 10 week-course designed to improve collaboration between home, school, and community; build understanding about the school system, unique to Highlands Elementary; and offer families opportunities to strengthen their English skills.